

あいづち英語 (うち、よういわんわ)

Google Developer Group の 海外勢との戦い(ハングアウト)用に 作りました

おなごは しっかり聞いとったらええのどす

What's you gonna do?何する?なにするつもりぃ〜?
How was that? どうでした?
How did you like it?どのようにそれが好きですか?
How do you like it here?どのようにここが好きですか?
After all,そもそも
What's more,そればかりか
In any event,いずれにしても
I guess you could say that,そういうと思ってた
Sounds familiar,よくある話
Should'nt we be alarmed?危機感もたなくていいの?
There's no doubt about that.疑う余地なし
You name it.なんでも
But it may not be for long だけど長く続かないかも
Why are'nt we doing anything about it?どうして、どうにかしたいの?
Not yet,but it will 今はまだ。でも そのうちに
Not as much as I'd like to.私が望むほど多くはないの
I'm dismayd.がっかりした
What did I do wrong now?今度は私、なにを間違えたかな
That's reminds me. それで思い出した
Let me make one quock phone callちょっと電話かけさせてね
You just wait and see. もうすこしすれば わかるよ
I'm impressed. 感心したわ
You're making a lot of progress.進歩したわね
Well,the same goes for television,テレビも同じね
What's worse, さらに悪いことには
Since when?いつから?
How long?どのくらい?
Why not? もちろんだよ、当然だよ
Why shoud I ? なんで わたしがー?
Exactry まさに
In that case,そうだとしたら
Sort of. そんなところだわ
Like what? どんな?
As he says,彼の言うとおり
As usual, いつもどおりに
No way! とんでもない
Besides, それに
In no time すぐに
What is that for? なんのために?
That's all. それでおしまい(話の締めくくりに)
Not at all. お礼を言われた時の 返事)どういたしまして
The upshot is, 結論から言うと
In other words, 言い換えると
Come to think of it,そういえば
Not exactly,  たしかではないけど
May be,    たぶん
All I know is that,私の知る限りでは
Is that right?そうなの?
It varies. さまざまです
Unfortunately not.残念ながら違います
I don't see it that way.私は そうは思わない
It sure is.そうですね
Yes,I would, if You don't mind.あなたがかまわないのでしたら
And in addition,それに加えて
What do I think?私が何を考えているかですって?
Yes,that's correct.はい、そのとおりです
I'll check on it.調べてみます
You look a little down. ちょっと元気がないみたい
Take your time. どうぞ ごゆっくり
To some extent.ある程度は
Has anything happend?なにかあったの
Unfortunately not.残念ながら違います
How do you figure that?あなたは どうして そう思うの?
That's too bad. それはヒドイ
I feel for you.気持ちはわかるよ
The what? なんですって!
Can we really? ほんとにできるの?
You sure can.なにが起きたの?
What about me? 私はどうかって?
Try some of this. ためしてみて
I would imagine so. そうでしょうね
Good to see you again.またあえてうれしいよ
How's the world been treating you? その後 いかがおすごしでしたか
Oh,I can't complain. 元気だったよ
Wach your step. 足元に気をつけて
Tell you the truth,I'm kind of cold.本当のことをいうと 少し寒いんだ
I don't think I want to.そんなこと したいと思わないね
Well. is it true,isn't it? ほんとのことでしょ
Can I come in? はいってもいい?
I told you before. さっき言ったでしょう
What have you done?なにをしたの
What's biting you? 何をいらいらしているんだい, どうしたんだい
That's quite all right. かまいませんわ
Would you like to join me? 一緒にやりませんか
I'll definitely be there. 絶対にそこにいきます
Yes.you are. そうね
effectivery 事実上
Let me see. うーんと、あのね
What do you think about me? 私の事どう思う?
I did!                  やったぜ!!
Indeed it may be so, but         なるほどそうかもしれないが

Let me help you put your bag on the desk.
Looks like there's something strange about the water.水の味がおかしいみたい
It seems that everybody is wearing a nice hat today.
Where can I get hold of you? どこで連絡がつきますか
Where can I reach you?どこで連絡がつきますか
I'll be sure to send you my adress.
I let you know the time and place.時間と場所をお知らせしますね
Who did you say was on the phone? 誰からの電話といいましたか?
II wonder what he wants to talk to me about.なんの用事かしら
It seems like I'll never finish this.いつ終わるんだろう
Anything I can do for you? お手伝いしましょうか
I'd be delighted to help you.喜んでお手伝いします
I'll be happy to do anything I can to help.
Can I do anything to help?
I'm sorry to cause you so much trouble.ご迷惑をおかけしてごめんなさい
It's no trouble at all.ちっとも めんどうなんてことありませんよ
Let me ask the doctor. 医師にきいてみますね
Don't let that worry you too much.気に病むことはありませんよ
He was sorry to miss them. それらを逃して残念がっていました
But he assured me he would be here by nine at the latest. 遅くとも
I wish I knew what all this was. それがどんなものだったのか知りたかった
I find that Americans sometimes like Japanese food better if they don't know what it is.
I'm worried about her.彼女のことが心配なの
She's never done it before.彼女は未経験なの
I wonder if she'll be all right. 彼女どうしてるかしら
I'll be right at home. 気楽にできると思う
I don't know anything about any friend.
But enough about me, 私のことは もういいから
That's just like your story about your friend.
I suppose I should tell you to go home.
I appreciate your doing this for me.
You can wait if you like. よければ お待ちいただけますよ
So How come you came so early? はやくくるなんて どういうわけなの?
Can you give us any specific example? たとえば どんな特別なことを?
There is this subtle differnce between style and fashion.
What's the connection between that hotel and pub?
Can you describe the pub to us?
We have a dish called "A Scandal in Bohemia".
The TokyoDome is known as "the Big Egg".
It's been a delightful morning for me.
I think it's right to keep it the same.そのままに保存されている
Dou you think the picture is OK?
Dou you think that will help? 役にたってるかしら
I hope You don't mind.    気にしてないといいんだけど
I'm serious about living overseas.海外に住むことを検討してるの
I guess I won't go them.    行かないと思う
I'm trying to spend as little as possible.節約してるの
I don't wanna impose on you any more.
Maybe we shoud wait,たぶん 待つべき
I prefer that you be honest with me.正直してくれたほうがいいよ
You seem to be counting on staying.
I might end up staying here.
I wish you luck.元気でね
You'd better ask your mother.お母さんにきいてみて
I've forgotten what I told her. なんていったか忘れた
It's about time you went to bed.

I'll drive you down. 車で送りますよ
We are on the M4.
We're on what,did you say?
I said the M4 - Moterway four.
I'll take you there. 連れて行きますよ
Thanks for the ride.
Don't mention it.
It's just a 30 minutes drive from here.  車でここから30分
Why don't we go together. 一緒にいきましょう
We should get going.私たちはもう行った方がいい
Where are you taking us? どこに連れて行くの
Actually,I had a word with him last night and he said they'd like to do some shopping.
Why don't we all go today? みんなで 出かけない?
what's the admission? 入場料はいくらですか
Oh,that's OK. Please be my guest. 了解 わたしが払いますよ
Let's join the Perl Mongers at YAPC.
Let's get closer. 近寄りましょうよ
Don't get too close. 近寄りすぎてはいけません
Please stay together and follow me. みんな わたしについてきてください
I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Is everybody here?    みんな いる?
Is there anyone missing? 誰か欠けていませんか
Have we kept you waitting long? 長くまたせたかな
You are right on time.時間どおりよ
Please come this way.こちらからどうぞ
I'd be happy to show you around.喜んで案内します
What about the place we're going to? どこに行くの?
I doubt there are any dry days.天気がいいと思う
It's good for us.私たちに都合がいい
I'll turn back.戻るよ
Are we all here?みんないるの?
Somewhere in the back.
There's none near here. 近くにはないんだ

Well,I think that winds things up. さて、これで話は終わりましたね
Anything else you'd like to discuss?ほかに何かありますか?
There's just one other thing that needs confirmation.
It's about the conference in Tokyo.東京での会議のことです
May we count on you attend? 出席いただけるものと考えていいですか
Yea.unless something important comes up.ほかに重大なことが起こらない限りは
Well,that's good to hear. それはよかった
That's just what I thought you'd want to do. そうしたがると思ってたよ
What about you? あなたは?
I'm sure you'll get a big kick out of it. きっと すごく面白いと思うよ
As you see, ごらんのように
Don't fret. There's still time. やきもきしないで まだ時間はあるよ
That's a pain in the neck. 悩みの種
Why does it do that? どうして そうなるの
Well,that's a good question. 良い質問です
Actually I did exactly what you said, 実際に言われたとおりにしたのですが
I'm afraid I won't be able to understand.私には理解できないんじゃないかしら
There's something I was going to ask. 聞きたかったことがあるんだけど
I'll leave it to your direction.あなたの判断に任せます
Let me throw the rest of this seession open for questions and answers.
I can't account for it,but that's the way it is here,I'm afraid.
うまく説明できないけど悪いけど ここではそうなってる
Where would you like to see yourself sevral years from now?
What was his original intention? 彼の本来の意図はなんだったの
I'm a biginner, so let me start with the basics.初心者なので基本的なことから
First of all,tell me about the background of your company.
We also take into account other relative factors.
We have learned to respect one another.お互いを尊敬することを学びました
We'll see the movie later at home which explains all about perl.
Well,that's a diffcult question. 難しい質問ね(時間稼ぎ)
I've tried hard enough.全力を尽くしたよ
It didn't work out.うまくいかなかった
Plus the fact that・・・ 加えて・・・という事実もあり
thereabouts そのあたりに
But having say that, でも そうは言いながら
I just realized something else. 別のことに気がついたんだけど
It took quite a while to build it.構築にかなりかかりました
thank you very much for the opportunity to speak to you about Perl.
A lot depends on your own personal taste.個人の好みに左右される部分が大きいです
I would imagine that you get a lot of diffrent type of people.
Yes.you are. そうね
effectivery 事実上
get through やっとたどりつく
That's about the size of it. まあそんなところですよ(物事の概要)
Thanks for taking an interest in my slides.
Tere's been a bit of a debate on this. 議論の余地があります
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us.意見交換してくれて感謝
What is the concept of this Application software?
A lot of people find it quite exciting.
What's the trick to cording the perl?
We're as multisultual as it gets. かつてないほどの多文化
I think it's exciting.
I'll fill you in on some basic infomation.基本的なことをおしえてあげる
Oh,what a display!!
Can you tell me what that means?
What do you think is special about Android?
What does it take to? 何が必要ですか
Can you recommend something? お勧めはありますか
Dont'change the subject.話をそらさないで
It's really very time-consuming. ほんとうにめんどくさいことなのよ
How would you explain this price hike? 値上がりを どう説明しますか
I know the basics.基本的なことは知っています
We can talk anytime you like.いつでも話せます
How long does that take? どのくらいかかりますか
Guess what the most difficult thing about it is.最悪の場合を考えてみて
Would you mind if I didn't? お断りしてもいいですか
I thought you worked here.
She will probably want to go.
What about this weekend? Aer you busy?
Would you like to join me for that?
This will give you the gist of his report.彼のレポートの要旨がわかりますよ
You know how to spell it? 綴りをしってる?
It's rather urgent.かなり急を要します
It's such a bother. めんどうですね
Well,I see what I can do. なんとかしてみるよ
That'll kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鳥
That name doesn't ring a bell. その名前には心当たりがないわ
I met him somewhere,but I just can't place him.あったことはあるけど思い出せないの
You may as well get used to talking to people in English.
It doesn't make sense for me to spend my time in a city.
Be careful what you wish for;you may get it.
願い事には気をつけろ かなうかもしれないから
I can't wait to see that.早くみたいな
Listen,if you've got the time,I'll show them to you myself,
I appriciate your taking the time to show me this.
What's your interest in that?
Mind if I wait and watch them with you?
Could you tell me a little bit about this?
I wonder if you could us about the computer works?
Could you tell us a little bit about how that computer works?
Waht do you like best about your job?
I don't know what else to do.ほかに何をしたらいいかわからない
get through やっとたどりつく